Frequently Asked Questions

  • The Australian Psychological Society (APS) recommends a standard rate of $315 for a psychology session. Our fee is set at $249 per session for a 50 minute consultation with a clinical psychologist, with an out-of-pocket expense of $107.15 with a valid referral under a Mental Health Care Plan. After-hour sessions (i.e. at or after 5pm, or on weekends) incur an additional $20 fee.

    To secure your initial appointment, a $50 deposit is required, which will be deducted from your session fee. This deposit is non-refundable but is transferable if you reschedule your appointment with two full business days notice.

    Please note that a referral is not required to book a session. Many clients attend without a referral out of preference, to explore general life concerns, or simply to improve their wellbeing.

  • Our clinical psychologists are registered to provide psychological services under Medicare's Better Access to Mental Health Care initiative. This means that if you are referred by your GP under this Scheme, you’ll receive a rebate of $141.85 per session from Medicare for up to 10 sessions in a calendar year (1 January to 31 December). You will need to be assessed by your GP as having an eligible mental health problem, and receive a referral from your GP under the Better Access Scheme. Some doctors require you book a long appointment for this assessment and referral. Please email a copy of this prior to your first appointment, and we will be able to process the claim for you.

    Alternatively, most health funds offer rebates for psychological services depending on your level of cover. Please contact your health fund to check if you are eligible.

  • The first session is dedicated to developing a shared understanding of your difficulties and therapy goals. You will be invited to share your story, and your psychologist will ask you questions relating to your history or other relevant contextual information, designed to help with creating a tailored treatment plan. Collaboratively, you and your psychologist will decide on the best therapy approach for you. This paves the way for more active therapy in subsequent sessions.

    You can choose to disclose as much or as little as you wish in this session and the psychologist will try and make you as comfortable as possible. It will be a good opportunity to determine if the psychologist and client are a ‘good fit’.

    If you’ve been referred under a Mental Health Care Plan, after the session a brief letter will be written back to your referring doctor.

  • Before your first session, you’ll receive an email with a consent form and a brief questionnaire to complete, which will help track your progress throughout therapy. If your appointment is via telehealth, you’ll a receive a link to access the telehealth appointment on a secure platform.

    Please email us any letters, reports or information you think might be relevant to your treatment, if applicable. If you wish to claim a Medicare rebate, please email us your Mental Health Care Plan and referral from your GP, which we can process for you using our software.

  • Of course we appreciate that life gets hectic at times, but your commitment to therapy is important.

    When you schedule an appointment with your psychologist, this time is set aside for you. If you need to cancel or reschedule, Please try to give enough notice as possible if you need to change or cancel your session.

    To avoid a cancellation fee, we require two full business days notice, prior to the day of your appointment. A business day is considered any normal weekday (Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 5:00pm), other than a NSW public holiday or office closure period. A business day does not include the day of your appointment.

    If an appointment is cancelled within 2 business days prior to the day of the appointment, 50% of the session fee will apply. If an appointment is cancelled within 1 business day prior to the day of the appointment, or you do not provide notice of cancellation, the full session fee will apply.

    This cancellation policy is in place so we have adequate time to allow another client to take this appointment where required.

  • A registered psychologist typically holds a bachelor's degree in psychology, while a clinical psychologist completes advanced training, obtaining a master's degree in clinical psychology followed by a two-year registrar program. If you qualify for a Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP) plan you will be eligible to receive a Medicare rebate of approximately $141 for an appointment with a Clinical Psychologist, or $96 for an appointment with a Psychologist.

    • Anyone aged 16 years or younger

    • Couples or family therapy

    • Anyone seeking cognitive assessments

    • Individuals seeking a court report

    • Individuals experiencing acute symptoms of psychosis

    • Individuals seeking treatment under work cover or NDIS

    • Individuals wishing to use a DVA, TAC or health care card

  • While both telehealth and face-to-face therapy have their advantages, research suggests that telehealth sessions can be just as effective as in-person sessions for many individuals.

    There are several benefits of telehealth, including:

    • Eliminating the need for travel to your appointment which reduces possible scheduling conflicts. This makes it easier to fit therapy into your busy life, ensuring you receive the support you need when it's most convenient for you

    • Accessing therapy from the comfort of your own home can often lead to enhanced openness and self-expression during sessions, as you feel relaxed in your own space

    • It ensures continuous access to care, no matter the circumstances, so you can focus on your well-being without interruption

    However, it's essential to discuss your specific needs and preferences with your therapist to determine the most suitable option for your mental health journey.

  • We are not a crisis or emergency service, and are not available outside of business hours.

    If you are in acute danger, or are at imminent risk of harm to yourself or others, please dial 000 or head to the nearest hospital Emergency Department. For guidance on managing a mental health crisis, you can reach out to the NSW Mental Health Access Line at 1800 011 511 (available 24/7). If you need immediate counselling support, don't hesitate to call Lifeline at 13 11 14 (also available 24/7).

Start your journey towards wellness